
Jan Albertsz Rotius (1615-1674)

"Jan Albertsz. Rotius (20 October 1624 – 1 November 1666 (buried)) was a Dutch painter known for his individual and group portraits, breakfast still lifes, kitchen still lifes and fruit still lifes. He was active in Hoorn and was the father of the flower painter Jacob Rotius." - (Wikipedia (en) 26.05.2018)

"Jan Albertsz. Rotius (20 October 1624 – 1 November 1666 (buried)) was a Dutch painter known for his individual and group portraits, breakfast still lifes, kitchen still lifes and fruit still lifes. He was active in Hoorn and was the father of the flower painter Jacob Rotius." - (Wikipedia (en) 10.08.2021)

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